/* global Ext */ /* * @class Ext.ux.Chart.OFC * Version: 1.0 * Author: Doug Hendricks. doug[always-At]theactivegroup.com * Copyright 2007-2008, Active Group, Inc. All rights reserved. * ************************************************************************************ * This file is distributed on an AS IS BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ************************************************************************************ License: ux.Chart.OFC is licensed under the terms of the Open Source GPL 3.0 license. Commercial use is prohibited without a Commercial License http://licensing.theactivegroup.com. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. Donations are welcomed: http://donate.theactivegroup.com Commercial use is prohibited without a Commercial License. See http://licensing.theactivegroup.com. Version: 1.0 Component Config Options: chartUrl : the URL to open_flash_chart.swf dataUrl : the URL of a remote chart data resource (loaded by the chart itself) autoLoad : Use Ext.Ajax to remote load a JSON chart series chartData : (optional object/JSON string) series to load when rendered ofcCfg : { //optional id : String id of tag style : Obj optional DomHelper style object } This class inherits from (thus requires) the ux.Media(uxmedia.js) and ux.Media.Flash (uxflash.js) classes. */ (function(){ Ext.namespace("Ext.ux.Chart"); var chart = Ext.ux.Chart; var Media = Ext.ux.Media; var ofcAdapter = Ext.extend( Media.Flash , { /** * @cfg {String|Float} requiredVersion The required Flash version necessary to support the Chart object. * @default "9" */ requiredVersion : 9, /** * @cfg {Mixed} unsupportedText Text Markup/DOMHelper config displayed when the Flash Plugin is not available. */ unsupportedText : {cn:['The Adobe Flash Player{0}is required.',{tag:'br'},{tag:'a',cn:[{tag:'img',src:'http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif'}],href:'http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash',target:'_flash'}]}, /** * @cfg {String} chartURL Url of the Open Flash Chart object. */ chartURL : null, /** * @cfg {String} dataURL Url of the JSON data to load. */ dataURL : null, /** * @cfg {String} chartData Raw JSON to autoLoad. This value takes precedence over autoLoad URL. */ chartData : null, /** * @cfg {String} autoLoad */ autoLoad : null, /** * @cfg {String} autoScroll * @default "false" */ autoScroll : false, /** @private */ mediaCfg : {url : null, id : null, start : true, controls : true, name :'@id', height : null, width : null, autoSize : false, renderOnResize:false, scripting : 'always', cls :'x-media x-media-swf x-chart-ofc', params : { wmode :'transparent', scale :'exactfit', salign : 't' } }, /** @private */ initMedia : function(){ ofcAdapter.superclass.initMedia.call(this); this.addEvents( /** * @event chartload * Fires when the underlying chart component reports an initialized state * @param {Ext.ux.Chart.OFC} this * @param {object} the underlying chart component DOM reference */ 'chartload', /** * @event chartrender * Fires when the underlying chart component has rendered its chart series data. * @param {Ext.ux.Chart.OFC} this * @param {object} the underlying chart component DOM reference */ 'chartrender' ); //function assertion this.chartData = this.assert(this.chartData, null); if(this.autoLoad || this.chartData){ this.on('chartload', this.chartAutoLoad, this); } } /** @private */ //called just prior to rendering the media ,onBeforeMedia: function(){ /* assemble a valid mediaCfg */ var mc = this.mediaCfg; var fc = this.ofcCfg || {}; var fp = fc.params || {}; var fv = fp[this.varsName]||null; //flashVars assertion if(typeof fv == 'function'){ fv = fp[this.varsName] = fv(); } Ext.apply(mc , fc, { url : this.chartURL }); Ext.apply(mc.params, fp , { allowscriptaccess : '@scripting', swliveconnect : true, wmode : 'transparent', scale : 'exactfit', salign : null }); // flashVars Ext.apply(mc.params[this.varsName] || (mc.params[this.varsName]={}), fv || {}, {'data-file' : this.dataURL || null} ); window.ofc_ready = this.onFlashInit.createDelegate(this); ofcAdapter.superclass.onBeforeMedia.call(this); } ,loadData : function(json){ var o; json || (json = this.chartData); if(json && (o = this.getInterface()) && o.load != undefined){ if(this.loadMask && this.autoMask && !this.loadMask.active ){ this.loadMask.show(); } this.chartData = json; o.load(typeof json == 'object'? Ext.encode(json) : json); //OFC-2 does not notify of render complete //so we synthesize the event here also. this.onChartRendered(); return this; } } /** @private this function is designed to be used when a chart object notifies the browser * if its initialization state. Raised Asynchronously. */ ,onFlashInit : function(){ ofcAdapter.superclass.onFlashInit.apply(this,arguments); this.fireEvent.defer(1,this,['chartload',this, this.getInterface()]); } /** @private */ ,onChartRendered : function(){ this.fireEvent('chartrender', this, this.getInterface()); if(this.loadMask && this.autoMask){this.loadMask.hide();} } /** * Loads this Chart immediately with JSON content returned from an Ext.Ajax request. * @param {Object/String/Function} config A config object containing any of the following options:

           url: "your-url.php",
           params: {param1: "foo", param2: "bar"}, // or a URL encoded string
           callback: yourFunction,
           scope: yourObject, // optional scope for the callback
           nocache: false,
           timeout: 30,
           connectionClass : null, //optional ConnectionClass (Ext.data.Connection or descendant) to use for the request.
* The only required property is url. The optional property nocache is shorthand for disableCaching * * @return {Ext.ux.Chart.OFC} this */ ,load :function(url, params, callback){ if(this.loadMask && this.autoMask && !this.loadMask.active ){ this.loadMask.show({ fn : arguments.callee.createDelegate(this,arguments) ,fnDelay : 50 }); return this; } var method , cfg, callerScope,timeout,disableCaching ; url || (url = this.dataURL); if(typeof url == "object"){ // must be config object cfg = url; url = cfg.url; params = params || cfg.params; callback = callback || cfg.callback; callerScope = cfg.scope; method = cfg.method || 'GET'; disableCaching = cfg.disableCaching || false; timeout = cfg.timeout || 30; } if(typeof url == "function"){ url = url.call(this); } method = method || (params ? "POST" : "GET"); if(method == "GET"){ if(disableCaching){ var append = "_dc=" + (new Date().getTime()); if(url.indexOf("?") !== -1){ url += "&" + append; }else{ url += "?" + append; } } } var o = Ext.apply(cfg ||{}, { url : url, params: (typeof params == "function" && callerScope) ? params.createDelegate(callerScope) : params, success: function(response){ this.transaction = false; this.loadData(response.responseText); }, failure: function(response){this.transaction = false;}, scope: this, callback: callback, timeout: (timeout*1000), argument: { "options" : cfg, "url" : url, "form" : null, "callback" : callback, "scope" : callerScope || window, "params" : params } }); if(o.url){this.transaction = new (o.connectionClass || Ext.data.Connection)().request(o); } return this; } /** @private */ ,setMask : function(ct) { ofcAdapter.superclass.setMask.call(this,ct); //loadMask reserved for data loading operations only //see: ux.Media.MediaMask for Chart object masking if(this.loadMask && !this.loadMask.enable){ this.loadMask = new Ext.ux.IntelliMask(ct || this[this.mediaEl], Ext.apply({fixElementForMedia:true,autoHide:2000},this.loadMask)); } } /** @private autoLoad for Chart series on render. * Note: superclasses call autoLoad on render, which is too soon for flash objects. */ ,chartAutoLoad : function(){ if(this.chartData){ this.loadData(); }else if(this.autoLoad){ this.load( typeof this.autoLoad == 'object' ? this.autoLoad : {url: this.autoLoad}); } } ,loadMask : false }); chart.OFC = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.FlashComponent, { ctype : 'Ext.ux.Chart.OFC' }); Ext.apply(chart.OFC.prototype, ofcAdapter.prototype); Ext.reg('openchart', chart.OFC); chart.OFC.Panel = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.FlashPanel, {ctype : 'Ext.ux.Chart.OFC.Panel'}); Ext.apply(chart.OFC.Panel.prototype, ofcAdapter.prototype); Ext.reg('openchartpanel', (Ext.ux.OFCPanel = chart.OFC.Panel)); Ext.ux.OFCWindow = chart.OFC.Window = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.FlashWindow, {ctype : "Ext.ux.OFCWindow"}); Ext.apply(chart.OFC.Window.prototype, ofcAdapter.prototype); Ext.reg('openchartwindow', Ext.ux.OFCWindow); })();