/*! * Ext JS Library 3.2.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc. * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu * @extends Object * Plugin (ptype = 'tabclosemenu') for adding a close context menu to tabs. Note that the menu respects * the closable configuration on the tab. As such, commands like remove others and remove all will not * remove items that are not closable. * * @constructor * @param {Object} config The configuration options * @ptype tabclosemenu */ Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu = Ext.extend(Object, { /** * @cfg {String} closeTabText * The text for closing the current tab. Defaults to 'Close Tab'. */ closeTabText: 'Close Tab', /** * @cfg {String} closeOtherTabsText * The text for closing all tabs except the current one. Defaults to 'Close Other Tabs'. */ closeOtherTabsText: 'Close Other Tabs', /** * @cfg {Boolean} showCloseAll * Indicates whether to show the 'Close All' option. Defaults to true. */ showCloseAll: true, /** * @cfg {String} closeAllTabsText *
The text for closing all tabs. Defaults to 'Close All Tabs'. */ closeAllTabsText: 'Close All Tabs', constructor : function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config || {}); }, //public init : function(tabs){ this.tabs = tabs; tabs.on({ scope: this, contextmenu: this.onContextMenu, destroy: this.destroy }); }, destroy : function(){ Ext.destroy(this.menu); delete this.menu; delete this.tabs; delete this.active; }, // private onContextMenu : function(tabs, item, e){ this.active = item; var m = this.createMenu(), disableAll = true, disableOthers = true, closeAll = m.getComponent('closeall'); m.getComponent('close').setDisabled(!item.closable); tabs.items.each(function(){ if(this.closable){ disableAll = false; if(this != item){ disableOthers = false; return false; } } }); m.getComponent('closeothers').setDisabled(disableOthers); if(closeAll){ closeAll.setDisabled(disableAll); } e.stopEvent(); m.showAt(e.getPoint()); }, createMenu : function(){ if(!this.menu){ var items = [{ itemId: 'close', text: this.closeTabText, scope: this, handler: this.onClose }]; if(this.showCloseAll){ items.push('-'); } items.push({ itemId: 'closeothers', text: this.closeOtherTabsText, scope: this, handler: this.onCloseOthers }); if(this.showCloseAll){ items.push({ itemId: 'closeall', text: this.closeAllTabsText, scope: this, handler: this.onCloseAll }); } this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: items }); } return this.menu; }, onClose : function(){ this.tabs.remove(this.active); }, onCloseOthers : function(){ this.doClose(true); }, onCloseAll : function(){ this.doClose(false); }, doClose : function(excludeActive){ var items = []; this.tabs.items.each(function(item){ if(item.closable){ if(!excludeActive || item != this.active){ items.push(item); } } }, this); Ext.each(items, function(item){ this.tabs.remove(item); }, this); } }); Ext.preg('tabclosemenu', Ext.ux.TabCloseMenu);