Checking your system configuration

This script will attempt to check your system settings and detect most obvious problems which could prevent you from using html2ps: missing PHP extensions, invalid permissions on files used by the script, missing font files and so on. Please note that if list may be incomplete; please visit html2ps support forum in case you've encountered an unknown issue.

XML DOM extension
Native XML DOM extension found
Curl PHP Extension
Missing Curl extension. Script will use pure-PHP fallback (allow_url_fopen=On is required!). Proxy support is not available
allow_url_fopen ini setting
allow_url_fopen is enabled
pcre.backtrack_limit ini setting
pcre.backtrack_limit is set to 100000 (less than 1,000,000). You could experience issues converting large pages.
GD PHP Extension
Found GD version 2.0.34.
GD JPEG Support
JPEG support enabled
GD GIF Support
GIF support enabled
GD PNG Support
PNG support enabled
Permissions on 'temp' subdirectory
'temp' subdirectory is fully accessible to the script
Permissions on 'fonts' subdirectory
'fonts' subdirectory is readable and executable by the script
Permissions on Type1 fonts directory
Type1 fonts directory (c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\) is missing. You will not be able to generate postscript files.
Presense of registered TTF files
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/arialuni.ttf is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/times.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/timesi.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/timesbd.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/timesbi.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/arial.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/ariali.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/arialbd.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/arialbi.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/cour.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/couri.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/courbd.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/courbi.ttf is present and readable.
Font C:\Projects\spin\html2ps\/fonts/symbol.ttf is present and readable.
Presense of registered TTF files
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n021003l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n021023l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n021004l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n021024l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\t8c.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\t8ci.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\t8cb.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\t8cbi.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n019003l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n019023l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n019004l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n019024l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\h8c.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\h8ci.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\h8cb.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\h8cbi.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n022003l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n022023l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n022004l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\n022024l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\c8c.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\c8ci.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\c8cb.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\c8cbi.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\d050000l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.
Font c:\Program Files\gs\fonts\s050000l.afm is missing. You will not be able to generate PDF files with this font.

© 2005–2006 Darren Gates, Konstantin Bournayev